What could be more difficult than the responsibility of writing distinct remarks about each child in your class? Writing unique kindergarten assessment report for each child is essential yet often challenging for teachers. Thoughtful, personalized assessments provide parents with a clearer understanding of their child's performance and development, and strengthen the educator-parent connection. For teachers managing multiple children, creating these remarks can be time-intensive and demanding.
This blog explores how educators can craft meaningful preschool assessment reports, offering tips and templates to highlight key achievements across various curriculum areas. Additionally, discover how tools like Illumine’s AI-powered preschool assessment tool can support teachers in efficiently creating personalized, insightful remarks, making the reporting process smoother while ensuring each child’s growth is thoughtfully captured.
Understanding the Importance of Report Card Comments
Report card comments are a crucial part of tracking a child’s progress, providing valuable insights into their academic progress, social skills, and emotional development. Report card comments matter because they:
- Provide a comprehensive picture of a child’s progress, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
- Help parents understand their child’s academic and social development, enabling them to support their child’s learning at home.
- Facilitate communication between teachers, parents, and students, promoting a collaborative approach to education.
- Serve as a tool for teachers to reflect on their teaching practices and make data-driven decisions.
By offering detailed insights into a child’s performance, report card comments help bridge the gap between school and home, ensuring that parents are well-informed and can actively participate in their child’s education. This collaborative effort is essential for fostering a supportive learning environment that encourages growth and development. Additionally, providing ongoing support both at school and home is vital for student growth and improvement in various academic and behavioral areas.
6 Strategies for Effective Preschool Report Card Comments
Keep these hacks in mind for writing honest and credible preschool assessment report comments:
- Begin your assessment report comments for kindergarten by telling parents how pleased you are to be teaching their kid, or how much their child is learning and developing. Positive comments can motivate pupils to do better.
- Report cards aren’t the best place to go over preschool curriculum. Student performance and ambitions for the coming term should be highlighted in the short remarks for the assessment report.
- Incorporating both parents and students in preschool assessment report comments broadens the scope of the report and decreases the likelihood of conflict between preschool teachers, pupils, and parents.
- Avoid general comments in preschool assessments. While vague phrasing may make parents feel better, it will not help your student improve and will prove to be a massive challenge for you later. To write specific preschool assessment report comments, look for important moments in class.
- Report card comments for kindergarten should cover a wide range of topics related to a student’s performance, like cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, adaptive, etc. Summarizing each child's performance in these areas provides a comprehensive view of their development and achievements.
- The primary goal of a report card is to inform parents of their child’s progress. MAJOR issues should be discussed face-to-face with the child’s parents. No matter if the child is doing well or not, the report card should be an honest reflection of the child’s performance. That said, of course, we want to frame things as positively as possible and in a way that is encouraging, with suggestions.
The MAGIC report card format
If the child is doing well on the whole… you have an easy task ahead! An easy-report card is the one everyone likes to make. Sadly, not all children are Newton and Picasso, and a teacher needs to mention certain areas that need improvement. This is where the magic format comes in handy
- Start with a compliment. You may have to dig deep here, but be creative, while still being sincere and kind. Every kid has attributes we can praise, even the most challenging ones.
- Then add a line or two about the kid's challenges, and how he/she struggles in a certain area, and be sure to offer a solution or suggestions.
- End with a positive tone. A compliment is a nice touch at any time of the year and for the Year-End report card. Remember that your report card shouldn't make life tough for the kids and the parents. Each parent like showing the report card of their kids to everyone. My best wishes for ____ school year or a great summer, or I am so happy to have been the _____ teacher this year, and so on.
Tips for drafting preschool assessments
These tips for drafting preschool assessment comments are real-time savers:
- Set a timer for fifteen minutes and write two or three assessment report remarks within that period. Tell yourself you just have 15 minutes to complete it. You’ll be more productive and efficient.
- Break down the large process of drafting a report into smaller segments. Consider starting with your broad observations. Break out your general assessment report remarks into two or three parts every day.
- Begin with the most difficult assignment. It’s surprising how empowering and inspiring it is to know that you’ve finished the part you were most dreading.
- Completing tasks within set time frames can significantly improve your focus and organization.
- Make positive self-talk a habit. Tell yourself that you’ve got this!
- When you’re having trouble expressing yourself, comment banks are a great place to start.
Best Practices for Writing Report Card Comments
When writing report card comments, it’s essential to keep the following best practices in mind:
- Break It Down: Divide the larger process into smaller segments. Start with broad observations and then refine them into specific remarks. Spread out the work over a few days to make it more manageable.
- Be specific and concrete: Avoid generalities and vague statements. Specific comments provide clear insights into the child’s progress and areas needing attention.
- Focus on the child’s progress: Rather than making comparisons to other students, highlight the individual achievements and growth of the child. Keeping parents informed about their child's progress fosters better communication and alleviates teacher stress.
- Use positive language: Emphasize strengths and achievements to motivate and encourage the child.
- Provide actionable feedback: Suggest areas for improvement and strategies for growth, offering clear guidance on how the child can continue to develop.
- Keep comments concise and easy to understand: Avoid jargon and technical terms to ensure that parents can easily grasp the information.
- Enhance with Illumine’s AI magic: Use Illumine’s AI Writing Assistant during observations and assessments. This tool helps translate, paraphrase, and suggest personalized comments effortlessly. Whether you need to refine phrasing or generate ideas, Illumine AI simplifies the process, saving valuable time and ensuring each remark is meaningful and professional.
By adhering to these best practices, teachers can create report card comments that are not only informative but also supportive and encouraging, helping to foster a positive learning environment for the child.
Organizing Your Report Card Comments
Organizing your report card comments can help you to efficiently and effectively communicate with parents and students. Here are some tips to get you started:
Creating a Report Card Comment Template
Creating a report card comment template can help you to streamline the comment-writing process, ensuring that you cover all the essential areas of a child's performance and child's progress. Consider including the following sections in your template:
- Academic progress: Comments on the child’s academic achievements, strengths, and areas for improvement.
- Social skills: Comments on the child’s social skills, including their ability to work with others, communicate effectively, and demonstrate empathy.
- Emotional development: Comments on the child’s emotional development, including their ability to manage their emotions, develop self-awareness, and demonstrate self-regulation.
- Classroom behavior: Comments on the child’s behavior in the classroom, including their ability to follow classroom rules, complete tasks, and demonstrate a positive attitude.
By following these best practices and creating a report card comment template, you can ensure that your comments are informative, supportive, and help to promote a child’s academic and social growth. This structured approach not only makes the process of writing report card comments more manageable but also ensures that all critical aspects of a child’s development are addressed comprehensively.
150 Sample Preschool Report Card Comments
Our preschool teachers have compiled a list of assessment report comments that are meaningful and impactful for both the parents and the students alike:
For Social Emotional Learning
Social emotional learning (SEL) is an essential aspect of a student’s education, and report card comments can play a crucial role in providing feedback on a student’s SEL progress. SEL remarks can include comments on a student’s ability to recognize and manage their emotions, develop empathy and understanding for others, and build positive relationships with their peers and teachers. Examples of SEL remarks include:
- “__ has shown significant improvement in their ability to manage their emotions and respond to challenging situations in a positive way.”
- “__ consistently demonstrates empathy and understanding for their peers, and is a positive influence on the classroom community.”
- “__ has made great strides in developing their self-awareness and self-regulation skills, and is able to reflect on their own learning and set goals for improvement.”
Including SEL remarks in report card comments helps to provide a comprehensive picture of a student’s development. It highlights the importance of emotional intelligence and social skills, which are critical for success both inside and outside the classroom.
20 general positive comments on student performance
- **** is going in the correct direction. You can remember more information on the test day if you begin studying early. ****** performance has been excellent this year, reflecting significant child's progress.
- I’ve seen __ character development over time. I’m proud of their growth.
- It’s fantastic that __ is giving it its all.
- __ growth has been massive this year. Keep working hard to get even greater outcomes.
- ******work is excellent. Continue searching for ways to push harder and strive for greatness.
- If __ continues to be consistent with your performance, your grades will improve massively.
- This is __ greatest attempt, I can tell! I really like your drive. You seem very committed. I’m extremely fortunate to evaluate your work.
- __ excitement is wonderful! Their work is excellent. What a fantastic vision you possess.
- __ has come a long way. You have quick problem-solving skills. I want to learn more from you!
- I am happy that __ made a fresh discovery in my class. I had fun reading their essay.
- __ has talent and is really wise. I appreciate their ideas in my class.
- **** wrote a wonderful essay on ****** using precise language and beautiful imagery.
- Although the examples __ offered were compelling and brilliant, providing additional context for how they are related to the essay is a good idea.
- __ has emphasized their points using evocative language.
- I appreciate that __ checks their writing for spelling and punctuation errors.
- __ did a fantastic job on this project, but for future ones, strive to use shorter sentences.
- __ completed the assignment on time and with great accuracy.
- __ makes astounding observations that are right on point. Doesn’t it feel great to do such awesome work?
- __, what fantastic math abilities you’re displaying!
- __ is demonstrating outstanding comprehension. They write complete, succinct, and straightforward essays.
40 positive attitude comments
- ______ regularly attends class prepared and eager to learn.
- ______ possesses a curious and active mind.
- ______ is eager to do their chores each day.
- ______ enjoys attending school and studying with their buddies.
- ______ has a constructive outlook on personal growth.
- ______ likes to enter the classroom with an upbeat attitude and an open mind.
- ______ sets very high goals for themselves and works hard to reach them every day.
- ______ consistently exhibits excellent behavior in class.
- ______ is always ready to follow commands.
- ______ is a diligent and courteous student.
- ______ never acts improperly in class.
- ______ is a fantastic example for peers to aspire to.
- ______ is excellent at adhering to the rules.
- ______ can always be trusted with tasks assigned to them.
- ______ consistently carries themselves with integrity and honesty.
- ______ is forthright, honest, and open about their ideas and convictions.
- ______ offers intelligent and sincere comments.
- ______ is always eager to examine themselves and offer sincere assessments of their development.
- ______ is always eager to pitch in and help with any assignment.
- ______ is a wonderful helper who never hesitates to provide a helping hand to anyone who asks for it.
- ______ participates in all duties. This zeal is admirable.
- ______ always shows up prepared to participate in the lessons and activities.
- ______ always offers to help out first when work has to be done.
- ______ loves to learn by getting engaged and experiencing things firsthand.
- ______ possesses excellent self-reflection abilities.
- ______ is able to recognize its own advantages and disadvantages.
- ______ takes a moment to reflect on their work and finds opportunities for development.
- ______ possesses the capacity to pause and alter their direction when they spot opportunities for development.
- ______ is particularly proficient in finding and fixing draft-related mistakes.
- ______ has shown a lot of consideration for their own potential.
- ______ has demonstrated a strong capacity for empathy and compassion for classmates.
- ______ has made significant progress in their communicative abilities since preschool.
- ______ is a good team player.
- ______ is a pleasant and kind kid who gets along well with others.
- During play situations, ______ always shares and keeps others in mind.
- ______ is a well-liked student who has little trouble making friends with other kids.
- ______ always shares and thinks about others during play scenarios.
- ______ is a popular student who finds it very easy to make friends with other children.
- ______ has demonstrated some excellent budding leadership abilities in role-playing situations.
- ______ is quite glad to play with and learn from others in groups.
30 critical comments
- ______ requires extra help to keep on target.
- ______ needs some persuasion to finish things.
- ______ is occasionally disinterested in studying or distracted.
- ______ is trying to focus more intently on their responsibilities.
- ______ occasionally have days where they lack motivation in studying.
- ______ usually arrives at class hesitant to participate in group discussions.
- During class, ______ needs to improve focus and attentiveness.
- ______ has made progress in certain areas but is still lagging in others.
- ______ is losing some of their attention and falling behind in their coursework.
- There is still a great deal of opportunity for improvement, and in the upcoming months, we'll be working hard to increase ______ attention and motivation.
- In the future, it would be wonderful to see ______ progress in their areas of weakness.
- When ______ gets stuck on a task, I want to see them seek assistance.
- ______ can occasionally disturb their classmates and friends.
- ______ is occasionally disruptive to other pupils.
- When returning to class after a hiatus, ______ may get uneasy.
- ______ can be chatty when doing solo work.
- ______ could do better if they are more courteous of fellow students.
- ______ is having a hard time this year feeling at ease in class.
- ______ has occasionally tried to attract too much attention and disturbed the flow of teaching.
- ______ occasionally has trouble participating in class discussions.
- ______ needs several rewards from outside sources to become focused.
- Due to a lack of desire to perform to their full potential, ______ works far below her talents.
- ______ significantly depends on external incentive.
- In the upcoming months, it would be wonderful to see the more intrinsic motivation for success from ______.
- ______ struggles to find activities that interest them.
- ______ has a hard time being interested in and involved in the class.
- ______ will respond favorably to rewards but finds it difficult to take initiative.
- In the future months, ______ has to dig deep and discover more drive to study.
- ______ plays with other kids, but in the next months has to establish cooperative play strategies. They need prodding to engage in more language-based play-based learning.
- ______ plays well by himself, but he still has to learn to share and play with other kids. They are interested in playing with others yet tend to withdraw out of shyness.
"Needs Improvement" Report Card Comments
- Mostly does good work but [he/she] is inconsistent. We will keep working to help him/her present his/her best work every time – please continue with the great support at home
- He/she is easily distracted and has trouble sticking to the task.
- Usually does quality work, but sometimes focuses too much on doing independent work too quickly, leading to accuracy issues.
- He/she struggles to complete his work quickly.
- ___ has great difficulty understanding concepts for his academic level. He/she would benefit from reading with an adult every day
- _____ has a difficult time knowing when it is appropriate to share his/her thoughts. He is working on learning when it is a good time to share and when it is a good time to listen.
- ____ is not proud of the work he/she does. We are trying to teach him and cultivate the feeling of being proud of his/her work
Academic Achievement and Progress Remarks
Academic achievement and progress remarks are essential for highlighting a student’s performance in specific subjects or areas of study. These comments provide a detailed account of a student’s strengths and weaknesses, offering insights into their progress towards meeting academic goals. Here are some examples of academic achievement and progress remarks:
- “John has shown significant improvement in his reading comprehension skills and is now able to read complex texts with ease.”
- “Emily has struggled with basic math concepts, but with extra support, she is starting to show improvement.”
- “David has consistently demonstrated a strong understanding of scientific concepts and is able to apply them to real-world situations.”
These remarks not only celebrate a student’s achievements but also pinpoint areas where they may need additional support. By providing specific feedback, teachers can help students and parents understand the child’s academic journey and identify strategies for continued growth.
Preschool Assessment Report Card from Illumine
One of the most important components in defining a student’s learning path is creating short remarks that are both relevant and meaningful. Utilizing report card comment examples is one of the best strategies for effective engagement and teacher-parent communication. Illumine enables teachers to effectively capture and track progress through preschool comments for assessment reports. It also provides support and training to teachers. Illumine collects and analyses rich, detailed data throughout the school year and saves time by organizing the data for you Download Sample Preschool Assessment Generated Using Illumine

10 Steps for Creating Progress Reports on the Illumine App
Creating preschool assessment reports is easy, fast, and hassle-free when you use a preschool assessment software. Illumine pre-school assessment tool is compatible with various curriculum structures such as Montessori, Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (EYFS), and other country-specific frameworks.
Here's the breakdown of the steps:
Step 1: Go to the menu and select learning, then milestones.
Step 2: To create a development area, go to the top right corner and click the add development area button.
Step 3: Select the classrooms for which you wish to construct the development area and give it a short name, label, and add.
Step 4: After that, give it a title and submit it. The development area will be added to the list successfully.
Step 5: Next to the development area you wish to add it to, select the subdomain option.
Step 6: Select the classrooms for which you wish to construct the development area and give it a short name, label, and add.
Step 7: After that, give it a title and submit it. The development area will be added to the list successfully.
Step 8: Next to the development area or subdomain you wish to add it to, select the milestone option.
Step 9: After that, add a description and hit submit.
Step 10: The achievement will be added to the list. Using Illumine's high-tech tools to create and share accurate progress reports with parents can help you develop a strong working connection with them.
Our app also enables you to write preschool comments for assessment reports fast, helping you save a massive amount of time. Get a free 10-day trial today with all features included!

Conclusion: Final Thoughts on Report Card Comments
Report card comments are a powerful tool for communicating a child’s progress and promoting their academic success. By using report card comments effectively, teachers can build a collaborative relationship with parents, promote a sense of shared responsibility for the student’s education, and provide students with the feedback and support they need to succeed. Following the strategies outlined in this guide, teachers can maximize the impact of their report card comments, helping their students achieve their full potential. Thoughtful, well-crafted comments can make a significant difference in a child’s educational journey, fostering a positive attitude towards learning and continuous improvement.
Preschool Report Card Comments
Q 1. How do you write preschool comments for assessment reports?
You highlight the students’ achievements and deficiencies in preschool comments for assessment reports and highlight what they are good at.
Q 2. What are some positive preschool comments for assessment reports?
Some positive preschool comments for assessment reports include: keep it up, you’ve done an excellent job, you’re doing superbly, good luck!
Q 3. How do you end preschool comments for assessment reports?
You end preschool comments for assessment reports with positive affirmations and an encouraging remark or two.
Q 4. How do you write a comment for a kindergarten student?
You write positive comments for assessment reports, even if you’re talking about the child’s weak areas.