Trusted by 3000+ customers worldwide, from single center childcare to enterprises.

Discover Why Childcare Owners Choose us

All the tools you need, in one place.

Efficient Operations

Streamline attendance, staffing and daily tasks to save time and reduce errors.

High Parent Engagement

Provide real time updates and personalized communication about child's progress.

Focus on Safety & Security

Maintain a consistently safe environment by adhering to all safety protocols.

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Your Complete Childcare Solution

One platform, many benefits.

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Replace Multiple Tools

Say goodbye to juggling with multiple tools, get access to data and complete visibility to make informed decisions.

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Simplify Operations

Manage enrollment, attendance, parent communication and child progress tracking from one platform.

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Save on Costs

One software multiple features, illumine reduces your subscription and licensing fees, making it affordable.

A Mobile App For Parents

Manage Relationships with Ease.

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Student Profiles

Maintain digital student records, emergency contact details for immediate access.

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Instant Updates

Send reminders, updates, messages and important notices in a single app.

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In-App Payments

Enable payments in-app with family billing, send automated reminders.

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Secure Every Step of Your Child's Day

Built-in features to guarantee safety and security.

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Authorized Pick-ups

Quick and secure contactless check-in, check-out by authorized individuals.

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Health Records

Keep students safe by tracking allergy, medication data.

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Parental Controls

Take parents consent prior to tagging photos.

Easy, Secure, and Reliable

A Solution You Can Trust.

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Easy Setup

illumine’s setup process is quick and hassle-free. Our team will help you get started in just a few hours.

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Enterprise-Grade Security

We protect your data with end-to-end encryption and regular backups, ensuring everything is secure.

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Tailored for You

illumine is affordable and flexible, offering the features you need without unnecessary extras.

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Real Customers, Real Stories!
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illumine has helped us streamline billing and invoicing, student information, and managing incoming enquiries, all from a single platform.
auther logo type image
Owner, Say Yes, Buffalo
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Compared to other companies, illumine is head and shoulders above for responsiveness and communication.
auther logo type image
Amelia J Brown
Owner, Falcon British Nursery
quote image
With illumine, we no longer need multiple tools to get the job done. It has streamlined parent engagement, billing as well as enriched our school's interactions.
auther logo type image
Ryan Salazar
Owner, Maple Grove Childcare Academy
illumine has improved the way we run our nurseries. we are in firm control of our financial health and parent satisfication has greatly improved.
auther logo type image
Rajesh kumar 
Director, Kids Kingdom Group
auote image
illumine has helped us streamline billing and invoicing, student information, and managing incoming enquiries, all from a single platform.
auther logo type image
Owner, Say Yes, Buffalo
quote image
Compared to other companies, illumine is head and shoulders above for responsiveness and communication.
auther logo type image
Amelia J Brown
Owner, Falcon British Nursery
quote image
With illumine, we no longer need multiple tools to get the job done. It has streamlined parent engagement, billing as well as enriched our school's interactions.
auther logo type image
Ryan Salazar
Owner, Maple Grove Childcare Academy
illumine has improved the way we run our nurseries. we are in firm control of our financial health and parent satisfication has greatly improved.
auther logo type image
Rajesh kumar 
Director, Kids Kingdom Group
auote image
illumine has helped us streamline billing and invoicing, student information, and managing incoming enquiries, all from a single platform.
auther logo type image
Owner, Say Yes, Buffalo
quote image
Compared to other companies, illumine is head and shoulders above for responsiveness and communication.
auther logo type image
Amelia J Brown
Owner, Falcon British Nursery
quote image
With illumine, we no longer need multiple tools to get the job done. It has streamlined parent engagement, billing as well as enriched our school's interactions.
auther logo type image
Ryan Salazar
Owner, Maple Grove Childcare Academy
illumine has improved the way we run our nurseries. we are in firm control of our financial health and parent satisfication has greatly improved.
auther logo type image
Rajesh kumar 
Director, Kids Kingdom Group